Monday, July 6, 2009

E-Government in Malaysia: Its implementation so far and citizen’s adoption strategies

In recent new economy, most of the countries are trying to change their government services into electronic form which is called Electronic Government (E-Government). E-government has been widely adopted by many countries such as Singapore, Dubai, Taiwan, Korea and including Malaysia. In Malaysia, the adoption of e-government started since the initiation of MSC (Multimedia Super Corridor) by Malaysian government. Essentially, e-government is sought to provide effective services to the citizens. However, there are low in percentage of Malaysia citizens using e-government services.

E-government application in Malaysia
Basically, e-government application can be divided into two types. One of the e-government applications is called e-government flagship. Under e-government flagship, there is a series of applications such as Project Monitoring System, Human Resource Management information System, Generic Office Environment, Electronic Procurement, Electronic Services, Electronic Labour Exchange and E-Syariah. Mycard is one of the products that have been provided by the government to enhance the services to the customers. Actually, Mycard provides several applications for example national ID, driving license, passport information, health information, Touch N Go and MBPS cash. Another type of e-government applications is agency-led projects. Some of the examples of agency-led projects are E-Tanah, E-courts, E-perolehan and others. E-Tanah is use to protect land owner right from being cheated during the transfer of ownership is made.

Problems encountered by consumer
One of the problems which has been faced is due to the lack of awareness. Most of the users are not aware the applications offered. Another problem encountered by the consumers is online behavior. Some of the consumers are seldom make the transaction online. They probably pay the bill to the office of the relevant company. Moreover, language barrier also is one of the troubles that confront with the consumer. This is because most of the website right now is using English version rather than Bahasa Malayu version.

Way to encourage citizens to use e-government application
Increase awareness
In order to increase the awareness of user, the government can develop marketing campaigns such as TV advertisement, media relation and so on.

Gather feedback
Gather feedback from the consumers can build e-government services. Such as Dubai e-government has provided campaigns to attract users of its e-services. For any citizens who fill the online feedback is entitled to win various prizes. Thus, it enables the government to create a convenient user friendly channel.

Leadership skill
Leadership skill can provide a power to influence the citizens to change their manual services into electronic services. Government can be a leader to guide the citizens to adopt with the new culture of the country. It can be a best way to encourage the consumer to migrate in to electronic services.


  1. Thanks fr the information. I jz know that mycard is one of the e-govenment application.^^

  2. ya, what you say is true, we are lack of awareness of e-government appplication~
