Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Review a local e-commerce site

There are many popular ecommerce sites around the world. In Malaysia, we have the biggest stimulator of ecommerce site, which is Air Asia. Air Asia started with the sales of air ticket through internet, and until now, air ticket is the top item Malaysians are buying online so far.

Air Asia is a flight company, therefore the top item in their online shop is air ticket. Many people travel around the world from Malaysia purchase air ticket through online. The main factor behind is because buying air ticket online can have discounted price especially during the promotion seasons. Moreover, customers from other countries such as Thailand and Indonesia can purchase the air ticket since internet provides a lot of convenience throughout the world. Besides that, travel accessories such as travel chest set, Air Asia T-shirt, and teddy bear are offered by Air Asia as souvenir for foreign passengers.

When travelers intend to purchase air ticket online, Air Asia also provides post-sale services for them. For example, services such as booking meal to be served on board, and luggage bag carrying services are provided by Air Asia to provide the best environment for their customers. Other than booking air tickets online, passengers can also book hotels and airbus tickets online through Air Asia website. This is to increase the satisfaction of customers since they do not have to worry about the accommodation and transportation before and after their journey especially in foreign countries.

On the other hand, Air Asia encourages their customers to open up a CIMB bank account and pay the fees using CIMB credit card. By doing so, their customers can obtain a free gift from Air Asia company. Other than CIMB bank, Air Asia provides alternatives to other bank account owner. For instance, if customers pay their airfares by using Air Asia Citibank gold card or Citibank credit card, they can obtain several benefits which include E-gift voucher, free travel insurance and others. The main target customers of Air Asia are business men. Therefore, Air Asia also provides advertising board for business men who intend to advertise their products and services either at the airport, or on flight.

Next, to enhance consumer awareness about Air Asia, they remain consistency in the choice of colors of their website, which are red and white. This can help consumers to recognize their website once they access into the webpage. To provide convenience to their customers, Air Asia uses consistent layout for their webpage design. The search engine at the left of the webpage enables customers from different location to search for the departure and arrival time, dates, and location. Dates choices are last for 10 months, which enable passengers to book for their air tickets earlier to obtain better discount. Besides that, location selection is arranged based on alphabetical order which range from Australia to Vietnam. To view different type of services provided by Air Asia, webpage visitor can refer to the top of the webpage for references. On the other hand, Air Asia also provides guidelines for unfamiliar users which located at the bottom at the website. When customers intend to buy air tickets online, they can choose the location, time and dates from the search engine. After they selected their particulars, the total amount payable will be stated at right side, before the buyers make their decision. To confirm the purchase, they have to enter their credit card information, followed by their personal details. The shopping carts are then confirmed from the website and a confirmation invoice will be sent to the customers’ email address.

Due to the features provided by Air Asia, it is believe that more and more people will start using online purchase of air tickets. The website provides a lot of convenience to customers especially for those who always travel from one country to another.

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